Kate Beckinsales’ diet and workout routine

So how does someone who hates the gym manage to keep so fit and trim?


Kate Beckinsale’s Dress at Critics’ Choice Awards 2016

What is it with the modern women entering their 40s, they are looking incredible. Life is supposed to begin at 40 so they say, but it seems so does beauty, although Kate Beckinsale has always been slim and attractive, like Jennifer Aniston, she seems to be getting more attractive as she matures. The 40s are obviously not what they use to be.

Kate Beckinsale is a former “Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive” and looks incredible in the tight-fitting rubber catsuits in the Underworld series of films, which are notoriously hard to look good in. Any one who has ever seen the films will note she can kick ass too.

Kate has never been one for going to the gym and admits to still hating cardio. She didn’t work out before Pearl Harbour and the heavy training regime on the movie left her feeling feint at times.

Although she is dedicated when she is working out for a film role and has a strict workout regime and diet in between she doesn’t go to the gym as much and never runs outside preferring to jump on her running machine in her garage.

Since Pearl Harbour though, between films she has taken up yoga with Jennifer Anistons yoga instructor Mandy Ingber.

Kate on keeping in shape, snacks and getting ready for Total Recall

Training for films

Ramona Braganza

Ramona Braganza

Most people know me as a global fitness expert and celebrity trainer. My Hollywood A-List clients have included Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Kate Beckinsale, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Scarlett Johansson, Eva Mendez, Dania Ramirez, Zac Efron, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Welling, Michael Weatherly, along with the entire cast of the movie “The A Team” – Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley.

When Kate Beckinsale is training for a film and in need of strength and endurance for her parts she works out with celebrity personal trainer Ramona Braganza. Romona is the inventor of the 3-2-1 workout.

The 3-2-1 workout is so named because it involves three cardio sessions, two circuit and one core workout.

  • Cardio I — The first cardio is basically a 5 to 10 minute warm up exercise like jogging, to warm up the muscles to so you don’t pull anything.
  • Circuit I — The first circuit targets the lower body, the upper body and the back. Every exercise involves using the legs, this is because muscles burn fat and the legs are the biggest muscles on the body. This is why every trainer in the world always gets you doing lunges.
  • Cardio  II — Slightly more intense cardio than the first like HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) e.g.30 seconds running followed by 30 seconds walking for 5 to 10 minutes. 
  • Circuit II — The second circuit works the same muscles as the first which adds some muscle confusion and will work them at slightly different angles. Also helps keeping the heart rate up and helps with the toning of the muscles.
  • Cardio III — The last of the cardio is hard work as you are getting very tired at this point.
  • Core — To end the routine is aimed at the core, abs, and stability muscles.

“To look like Kate, do exercises that you enjoy so you can stick to a program,” Braganza says. “Change up your workouts and kick it up for a shorter period of time to make it more intense.”

Ramona Braganza’s 3,2,1 mini workout

Kates yoga routine

Yoga works the muscles slightly differently than lifting weights. The aim is the same, to tear the muscles, but it does so by stretching them instead of contracting them. Also yoga works the muscles evenly which shapes them more naturally than lifting weight would, giving a more feminine, toned sleek look.

Kate Beckinsale Sexy Legs Workout, Yoga Poses, Get the Bod with Mandy Ingber

Want an action-star body like Kate’s? Her instructor, Mandy Ingber, let us in on her body-sculpting moves. Do two or three sets of each four or five days a week.


Down Dog Split with Knee Drives

Begin in downward facing dog, then raise your left leg to move into down-dog split (a). Bend your left knee and pull it toward your forehead (b). Straighten the leg back, then bring the knee outside your left elbow. Straighten the leg again, then bring the knee toward your right elbow. Repeat three times. Switch legs and repeat.


Lunge Switchback

Begin in a lunge with your left foot in front of your right, left knee at a 90-degree angle, and hands on the floor on each side of your left foot (a). Keeping your hands on the floor, shift your weight onto your hands, and in one swift motion, switch the positions of your legs (b). Spring from the right to the left and back again 10 times.


Crow Pose

Begin in a low squat with your feet together, knees apart. Place your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart, elbows slightly bent; rest knees on the outsides of your triceps (a). Gaze at the floor a foot in front of you, and shift your weight onto your hands. Lift one foot off the floor (b), then the other. Hold for five breaths. Repeat three times.


Temple Pose to Pile Squat

Begin with your feet about three feet apart, toes turned out about 45 degrees, and hands in prayer position (a). Keeping your back straight, sit your hips down and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor (b). Hold for eight breaths; squeeze your butt and straighten back up. Repeat eight times.

Thanks Women’s Health Mag, for the above!

Kate Beckinsale Diet

Kate Beckinsale admits she isn’t always confident about her body. “I’m entirely normal. I have my good days and my bad days,” she tells the December issue of British Elle.”I am a lot more body confident now I’m in my 30s and am in better shape, too.” When she was in her 20s, she says she didn’t have a clue about healthy eating. “I’d eat a small breakfast and lunch and then have a baked potato for dinner and feel really horrible,” she says. “Now my typical daily diet is eggs or oatmeal for breakfast, a chicken or vegetable wrap for lunch, then fish and vegetables for dinner.”

“But if someone turns up with cupcakes mid-afternoon, I’ll have one,” she continues. “I’m not aiming to be Gisele. And I’d hate to be one of those people who won’t allow themselves a slice of birthday cake.” She says she is amazed that people obsess over my body image so much. “Why do we encourage this war on women’s bodies? It’s a horrendous way to live, and I refuse to. Going to the gym can be tough,” she admits.

“I just can’t make it part of my daily life,” says the star. “I go to the gym when I have to, and if I have to bulk up or slim down for a film, I will. I’ve recently got back into exercising four times a week. I run for half an hour at a time but never outdoors, as I don’t exercise in public,” she says. “My gym’s in my garage at home.”

From Elle UK December 2008


Kate Beckinsale White Dress

When working strange hours, it’s imperative to get foods that feel right when your body clock is out of kilter. Kate follows a zone-structured diet, which works on the theory that you need the perfect balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in every meal to help balance blood sugar levels and make your body burn fat more efficiently.

Kate usually eats eggs or oats for breakfast during filming, a vegetable or chicken wrap for lunch, then fish and veg for dinner. She doesn’t give up on all her treats though.

On Underworld Kate had a personal chef who prepared meals using Branganza’s healthy 3-2-1 Nutrition Plan. To avoid too many calories, he broiled or grilled the food. The meal plan is designed to boost metabolism by eating a small meals every 2 hours, which is the standard trainers plan nowadays, as it keeps the metabolism working which burns off any fat and calories. On other projects she uses Sunfare at-home delivery service or cooks for her self.

The day consists of 3 main meals and 2 snacks low in calories and high in protein, coupled with a minimum of 1 litre of drinking water a day.

Kate Beckinsale: Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive

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